Guide To Marketing On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform and one of our favourites. If you’re fairly new to LinkedIn, Sam will help give you a head start on some of the basics to help improve your LinkedIn marketing. For example giving you tips on how to utilize your personal and company profiles together and the types of content you could be posting.

LinkedIn is almost definitely the world’s most popular social media site for companies networking with different businesses. Compared to the relaxed and personal vibe of other sites like Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is the perfect tool for companies in various sectors. This isn’t for connecting with friends like most social media, this one is special, and can do so much for your company in comparison to other platforms.  If you and your company don’t have a presence on it, you’re missing out!

We are extremely passionate about the network we have and the connections we make. LinkedIn is a fantastic community and is very opportune for your business. That’s why we’ve put together a guide full of tips to help your company stand out from the crowd on LinkedIn. If you want your digital marketing to step up to the next level, then look no further.

Post regularly

You would be very surprised to know that many companies don’t actually keep their company LinkedIn and professional profiles up to date. The key to staying relevant and being kept in the eyes of your connections is to make sure you’re always posting. Of course, keep your posts relevant and don’t just post for the sake of it, but make sure it’s a few times a week. In fact, many of your connections will love seeing that you’re posting weekly, showing that you’re always up to something and are keeping busy. 

Promote your clients

Whilst your company page is key for marketing what you do, it’s important to promote your connections too. If you’ve been working with a client and perhaps have a photo with them, post it! It’s a perfect opportunity to not just advertise yourselves and the team ethic you have with your connections, but you’re also doing the same for them too. This will only inspire your clients to do the same for you, so the synergy between you and your connections is very special and key for your network and business. Also consider commenting on your clients’ posts. This helps to strengthen your relationship and shows an interest in their content, but also means that you’ll be in mind when they see your comment, and therefore, your brand will be in mind.

Hashtags and Communities

Hashtags are commonly used across all forms of social media, but you shouldn’t ignore their power on LinkedIn. If you associate a certain hashtag with your brand and company, you can use the ‘Communities’ section of your company page to store these hashtags and show your audience which hashtags you’re part of. Being associated and linked with these will make you a lot more easier to find if someone is looking for something specific.

Make your posts diverse

This is something you should do on all social media platforms. It’s good to mix up your content, whether that be on what exactly the post is, as in is it a text update, an image or a video? Or possibly, on what the post suggests in its tone. Is it a serious post, or is it more lighthearted. This will of course all depend on who you are and how you want your company to be represented, but it is crucial your posts aren’t just one note. Be sure to have a variety of content to post. It’s important to show you’re doing a bit of everything and that you’re not just a one trick pony. It helps you to stand out from the crowd if your followers are seeing a different type of post from you every week. Photos are always the popular one, as they don’t take time to read or watch for busier audience members, as a photo tells a thousand words from just a glance. And if it does, then you can be sure your audience will stick around to see the rest of your content.

Link your personal and company profile

You’re bound to have not just a company page, but your own professional account too. It’s important to make sure that the pair of these are linked in the posts you make from time to time. Mentioning your name in a company post, perhaps by leaving a tag, can drive people to follow your personal profile, and vice versa. People don’t want to just follow a company, they want a face to associate with it – and if you are that face, it’s key to make yourself known! With that in mind, the difference between a company post and a personal post can mean different things depending on what you post and when you post it. If you’ve got a blog for example, it’s great now and again to post a serious informative blog. But perhaps you’re reaching a milestone in your company and you feel like writing something heartfelt for example. You should absolutely do this. Maybe you want to talk about a book you read, or how good the Christmas adverts are this year. Personal posts can be monumental to your marketing, as long as you post them in the right place, like your personal profile, and you do it sparingly so as not to distract from your company content. There’s something about sentiment that people really attach themselves to, so we would always encourage these types of posts now and again.

Post at the right times

It’s always worth considering when you’re posting your content. Posting at the right time can make such a difference to the views and interaction your post will get. Early afternoon seems to be the best time to post on LinkedIn, around 12pm to 1pm. Or if you need to post later, 4pm is also a decent time. We’d also recommend posting on the mids days of the week, so Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday have always been the best days for us personally, so it’s worth starting there.

Follow and link

This may sound obvious, but the best way to be connected on LinkedIn is to make these connections. Make sure you’re always up to date with connecting to people you know. If you’re in a role that allows you to meet plenty of new people, ask them if they have a LinkedIn account and get connected. Building your profile also means building your connections, and if a potential client notices you have a lot of links and connections, they’re more likely to take you seriously.

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