How To Stay Focused When Working From Home

Working from home is still a massive part of COVID-19 restrictions, with many having to return home after only being back in the office a few weeks. We’ve all had to work from home in some fashion this year and we know it can be stressful. The office environment is a place where you can focus, have a more direct relationship with your colleagues and ultimately, have a better work/life balance. But if you are back at home, we have some tips and ideas on how you can work better and feel a lot more focused for the time to come.

Having a structure

Getting out of your routine at work can be a bit of a pain, especially if it’s something that helps you get on with your day better. At home there’s a lot more variables, perhaps children to look after that will upset your normal routine. So, before you start your week, make sure you’re planning out your day accordingly, taking into account all of the additional factors that are in this routine, and making sure you’re getting what you need to be done, done.

How To Stay Focused When Working From Home 1

Stay connected

Whether you need to keep in contact with your higher ups or colleagues, it’s crucial to stay in touch. A great way to make sure you’re always staying connected constantly is to have a meeting first thing on a morning Zoom/Google calls with your workmates. This is great to make sure you’re still getting a balance by seeing your colleagues and also getting forward information and details of work in a consistent way. It’s an effective way to stay on track with your work and keep that precious contact with the people you work with.

Avoid distractions

Yes, this is easier said than done, but at home you’re going to be more prone to distractions, whether that be children or your TV. Again, keeping a strong structure to help with your kids will help you here, and also just making sure you have an out of the way workspace away from distractions can really help. Moving out of your living room, perhaps sitting in a dining room where you’re away from any leisurely devices is recommended. Do what you need to keep yourself focused, whether than be music, or peace and quiet.

How To Stay Focused When Working From Home 2

Take regular breaks

Research has shown that the best workers typically work intently for around 52 minutes and then took a 17-minute break. The brain always needs a rest, especially when working from home in isolation, it can be taxing. Whether it be looking outside, reading a newspaper, or having a snack, work this all into your schedule to help you get a good balance. It can do wonders for your mental health, making sure you’re not too run down whilst working in what can be a somewhat uncomfortable environment.

Be happy

As said, it’s important to make sure you’re not in an uncomfortable environment. All of these tips, if taken into action can lead to a happier time whilst working from home. We don’t know how much longer we’ll be in this situation so it’s integral to keep yourself content in the space you’re in.

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