What Is A Health And Safety Induction Video?
What Is A Health And Safety Induction Video?
A health and safety induction video outlines the safe working practices and procedures on site. It can be for both workplaces and sites. It should welcome new employees and contractors and prepare them for their role so that that work safely. It’s a way of introducing people to the company and also the safety culture. A health and safety induction video should also highlight any risks and dangers on site and how to mitigate these.
What Should A Health And Safety Induction Include?
A health and safety induction should include a number of different things. Firstly it should outline all the key information that is detailed within the companies Health and Safety policy. This might include things such as Accident reporting, fire evacuation procedures, First aid arrangements, key welfare locations, Prohibited areas, site safety rules and potential risks and hazards on site.
What Is An Induction In The Workplace?
An induction in the workplace is the process that new workers and contractors go through so that they are familiar with how to perform tasks safely. The information in the induction should be consistent and accurate and provide workers with the correct know how before they can go into the workplace. Inductions in the workplace should test a persons competence, for example by showcasing a video and then answering some key questions to check for understanding.
What Are The 3 Main Types Of Induction Training?
General induction training – this is the typical type of induction you will go through on your first day on the job. It outlines all the main practices and policies and is designed to welcome new people to the business and make them feel settled in. Specific training – This training is around a specific type of task or skillset. For example working at height or working in a confined space. Follow up training – This is normally conducted several months after a member of staff or contractor has started at the company. It’s designed to test a persons competence and ensure new starters working well and happy at their new place of employment.
What Is The Aim Of Induction?
The aim of an induction is to make new employees and contractors feel at home in their new role. It is also for the business to communicate key important information that new starters need to know. An induction will ensure that new staff and contractors can start working in their new environment immediately. Inductions can be delivered by face to face or in small groups. Ideally using a video format so the information can be communicated in a clear and consistent format while also being engaging.
Why Is Induction So Important?
Induction is so important as it integrates new employees into the company. It’s important so that they can quickly understand the new systems and procedures and it gives them a senses of belonging. It’s also important for the business to communicate key information and ensure their new staff and contractors get their questions answered. This will ensure the business is compliant and that staff stay within the business for the months and years to come. Good inductions can be delivered via video training, or in face to face or group settings.
What Are Site Safety Rules?
Site safety rules are the key important steps that staff and contractors MUST pay attention to and follow whilst on site. They should be simple, clear and easy to understand and communicated to everyone attending site. Site safety rules videos and posters are a great way to capture people’s attention and engage them in the safety messages. The details of the rules should be communicated in inductions, safety talks and meetings.
How Do You Make Safety Meetings Fun?
Making a safety fun can often be a tricky task. Let’s face it, the information is important but it’s often quite dry. Staying refreshed and keeping people’s attention is key. Think about doing something different with your meetings, this could include using a safety video, or having a Q&A and or something that’s more interactive. Could you even play a game? The key is getting people to participate and feel included in the discussion. That way you’ll get more engagement in the content and people will be more likely to retain the key points.
How Do You Promote Safety At Work?
There are many ways to promote a safety culture at work. Training is an obvious one. Rewarding people for safe behaviours. Using safety champions to filter messages & build a safety culture. Video tools including interactive video. Posters and signage. Staff intranet. Tool box talk meetings. Encourage feedback and discussion. Workplace risk assessments. Investigating accidents an incidents looking at root causes. The key thing that connects everything is good communication, that’s clear, simple and easy to understand.
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