How can I best communicate social distancing rules in the workplace

Social Distancing Rules, Communication and Training

Social distancing guidance for employers is an integral part of the workplace. With the Government now easing lockdown, guidelines for all workplaces will need to be in place as employers have a duty of care to their employees to ensure that they can work safely. Providing clear communications and training materials in a video format for employees will help to ensure all workers understand COVID-19 related safety procedures. Simple and effective video content will help employees to remain up to date on the latest safety measures being implemented in their place of work.

Training videos for social distancing rules in the workplace are designed to be engaging, informative but simple for people to understand. This ensures the guidance can be easily understood and followed through a series of simple steps. Having these videos in an animated format allows for a fun and lighthearted approach to a subject that is quite sensitive due to how the crisis has affected the world.

There’s a lot of information that should be included in a workplace social distancing video. There are various types of industries and workplaces that need different rules and regulations of what is most appropriate to their place of work. The following social distancing rules and Government guidelines are applicable for all workplaces.

  • Regularly wash your hands for 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Use hand sanitiser if you can’t access nearby hand washing facilities.
  • Ensure you keep your workplace clean.
  • Clean surfaces, objects and points of contact frequently.
  • Thoroughly clean shared equipment after using.
  • Avoid the use of hot desks where possible.
  • Keep 2 metres apart at all times.
  • Follow all signage rules around your workplace.
  • Maintain social distancing, where practically possible.
  • If you can’t keep 2 metres apart;
  • Use physical barriers and screens.
  • Work back-to-back or side-by-side.
  • Work with a partner or fixed team member to reduce the number of people you come into contact with.
  • Conduct a workplace risk assessment before starting work.
  • Identify if you can work safely or not, especially when working with partners or teams.
  • Evaluate if you’re especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

Other sectors such as the construction sector or manufacturing industries including factories, plants and warehouses have additional social distancing rules and specific workplace safety guidance.  Click here to browse our range of different industry video packages.

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