Site Safety Induction Videos | Shot Blast Media Vlog

Interested in video for your business? Contact our Leeds office on: 0113 288 3245 Email: Web: #SafetyVideos #ShotBlastMedia Site safety induction is a critical and key part for any business especially those that have factories, sites, power generation, manufacturing and engineering facilities. Safety is absolutely paramount. Most people on site will be aware of specific PPE that they have to wear but one of the biggest challenges for companies is how can they engage their staff, their visitors and contractors in key health and safety information. Engaging content is absolutely key. If you want those accidents and incidents to reduce on-site you've got to get people engaged with your program, so you've really got to think about your content. How you make it appealing to watch and how you break it down into small bite-sized chunks of information so that people can go away with all the key themes, understand what they're doing and feel well-informed. Muster points, emergency procedures, specialist operations for contractors that are coming into site - this is the kind of information that should be contained in your induction program. You could include drone work for example that might dictate site layouts. You could have some animation sequences in there that sort of mix the content up a bit as well as filmed content and possibly some reconstruction content. All of these ideas are different ways of tackling different types of footage that could go in your site induction program. An induction program in this format can be utilised time and time and time again. Of course if it's produced in a way that gives it a longer shelf life you can actually get quite a number of years out of this type of material which is ideal - making it cost-effective and a time-saving exercise. Of course health and safety content can change. The HSE bring out new guidelines from time to time and of course workplace safety gets updated, so think about producing your content into smaller bite-sized pieces, almost like components. It can be updated on an ongoing basis. Of course your induction program is just one aspect of key health and safety material that you may have on your site so there's lots of other topics you could consider: what your site is and what kind of safety issues may arise. You've got general safety, workplace safety, behavioural safety, site safety rules and you may have process safety. So depending on the industry that you're in you may want to think about producing other video content to help you educate staff, contractors and visitors on other key safety topics. Shot Blast Media Glassflake Donisthorpe St Leeds LS10 1PL Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Google My Business: Instagram: Vlog Playlist: . Visit our Vlog page: .


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