Why you should use GIFs in your marketing
We’ve all seen them. GIFs are everywhere. Moving images, short animated videos, without sound, that continue over and over on a loop. Often small, and very popular on social media. These little snippets are great for marketing. How so? Well many social media sites are prone to show images and very short videos in their algorithms over longer forms of media. Research has also shown that using a mix of colour and visuals increase the willingness to view the content by 80%. Colourful imagery does really help to increase your audience’s engagement, and having an animated version of these images will only drive this harder. GIFs only last a few seconds, or however long you wish them to be. For this reason, their file size is significantly smaller making the process of uploading and loading them much more efficient and speedier. They’re also usually short and sweet, so people don’t spending a minimal amount of time watch them. And if they’re as good as they should be, the entertaining...